
Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal - How to Pull Off a Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal

How to Pull Off a Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal (Scuba Girlfriend)

Scuba girlfriend - A marriage proposal is an important step in the life of a couple. It is the ultimate romantic statement, an expression of the fact that you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner and something that will become a shared and treasured memory for both of you for years to come. So you may want to consider a fairly imaginative idea to make sure it has the necessary “wow” factor to make your partner weak at the knees. So what better than a scuba diving marriage proposal, a unique proposal idea if ever there was one!

1. Setting the stage

Obviously, the very first requirement is that you both know how to scuba dive. It won’t do for the first timer, either, if you think you can plan a beginner lesson and throw in a marriage proposal. Both of you need to be comfortable under the water and to know how to operate the gear. The alternative is to stage a scuba proposal at an aquarium, something which is covered later on.

If you’re confident that you are both decent enough divers, you need to plan a trip preferably to somewhere with warm waters (you might struggle to put a ring on a finger if your partner is wearing a cold water wet suit with gloves!). The Mediterranean, Gulf Coast of the US and

Australia all have great dive locations so, depending on your budget, you should research your options online at length to figure the best setting for your circumstances. If in doubt check out scubadiving.com which publishes a reader’s choice list of the best locations around the world every year.

2. Behind the Scenes

All the usual preparations have to happen, such as getting the engagement ring and knowing the right words for your request. Once you’ve done this, you’ll have to figure out how to get the ring down with you, and how to put it on her finger. You can use a shell to carry it in, or a jewellery box with a piece of tacky adhesive in it to hold the ring. Whatever you do, do not lose the ring at the bottom of the ocean!

3. Have an accomplice

It may be important to have another diver along to take a video if you want a record of the event, and to assist with any hand-offs. You could hire an extra scuba instructor or ask another diver you know to tag along, but just make sure you have a good reason for him or her to be there. You want to keep the element of surprise as long as you can.

4. Popping the question

You will also have to have an underwater writing slate, the writing board that divers typically use to communicate, along with you – another area where an accomplice comes in handy. This is how you’ll actually make the request, by writing your proposal on the board. Don’t be too flowery or lengthy, since the space and legibility are limited. Just make sure it is personal and says what it needs to say. Sometimes simplicity wins out so “Will you marry me?” might suffice given the element of surprise you will be bringing to the dive.

5. Wrapping it up

Practice the process with your accomplice so that you know how everything will work, and so you have contingency plans. What happens if there is an equipment glitch, or if, heaven forbid, you drop the ring before you can get it on her hand? Having a back-up and emergency plan in place will put your mind at ease.
Being creative with your proposal will make it an unforgettable moment for both of you. A lifetime memory will be the result of a little bit of planning, and a lot of love.

Thank you for reading Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal (Scuba Girlfriend)

Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal - How to Pull Off a Scuba Diving Marriage Proposal